Stone Dust

Gravel & Sand

Stone Dust

This is a small limestone aggregate composed primarily of fines.  It is screened to remove stones and gravel of any substantial size.

Color: Bluish gray color.

Uses for stone dust:
  • Leveling flagstone walkways
  • Leveling retaining wall bases
  • Any area needing a level base that is easily compacted
Compaction: Moderate

This is an aggregate with lots of fines. This would require a compactor to make the stone a suitable base.
We deliver stone dust to Cumberland, MD, and the surrounding area.  If you have a truck or trailer, you can also pick it up directly at our store!

Delivering Monday through Friday

Prices include delivery to all addresses in the Zone 1 zone. Additional delivery fees apply to extended zones.
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Pick Up Product

Order now to reserve this product for pick up at our location. Your purchase will be transmitted to our staff who will facilitate loading your vehicle when you arrive.
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