Bark Mulch


Bark Mulch

Bark mulch from Ebyland is composed of 100% pure bark. Pure bark mulch adds nutrients to the soil and decomposes faster than hardwood blends. This faster decomposition helps prevent a thick layer of mulch from developing around plants and shrubs in your landscaping beds. This saves you time in the spring that would otherwise be spent raking and scraping away old mulch before putting down new.

It also adds the abundant nutrients contained in this mulch back into the soil faster, making it a great choice for new plants that need those nutrients sooner rather than later. When choosing mulch, take the age of your plants into consideration.

Bark mulch is also an excellent choice for repeat mulching for the following reasons:
  • It is ground fine for easier spreading, better aesthetics, and easier decomposition.
  • It is screened to remove stones and large sticks.
  • It adds a deep, dark-brown beauty to your landscaping.
Ebyland delivers bark mulch to Cumberland, MD, and the surrounding area.  If you have a truck or trailer, you can also pick it up directly at our store!

Don’t settle for second-best! Come to Ebyland and choose from the finest selection available!

Delivering Monday through Friday

Prices include delivery to all addresses in the Zone 1 zone. Additional delivery fees apply to extended zones.
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